Last Words is a Game of Thrones advent calendar, meaning a short story collection of (in this case partly interconnected) ficlets. To find out more about the individual stories, use the overview or the list of stories.
Disclaimer: Nothing’s mine, of course
Beta: Many thanks to Isis

The Overview
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1: Drogon – Valyriā |
2: Daario – Meanwhile in Meereen | 3: Sansa I – Justice | 4: Yara – The Driftwood Crown | 5: Brienne I – Those Left Behind | 6: Bran I – In Faraway Places | 7: Arya I – Thirst | 8: Grey Worm – The Island of Butterflies |
9: Samwell I – The Citadel | 10: Jon I – A Life in the True North | 11: Tyrion I – Sewers | 12: Ghost – Children | 13: Samwell II – Family | 14: Arya II – A Visit to White Harbor | 15: Gendry I – Visiting the City |
16: Jon II – King-Against-His-Will | 17: Bronn – The Troubles of Lordship | 18: Sansa II – The Crypts | 19: Brienne II – Duty and Honor | 20: Gendry II – The Lady of Storm’s End | 21: Bran II – Audience | 22: Tyrion II – An Unlikely Friendship of Hands |
23: Sansa III – A Meeting | 24: Arya III – West of Westeros | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
The Stories
Daario – Meanwhile in Meereen
Daario Naharis – News of Daenerys’s death reaches Essos.
383 words, complete, 6+
Yara – The Driftwood Crown
Yara Greyjoy – Yara thinks about kingship and her own rule.
284 words, complete, 12+
Brienne I – Those Left Behind
Brienne of Tarth & Tyrion Lannister – Brienne and Tyrion attend the funeral of Jaime and Cersei.
582 words, complete, 6+
Bran I – In Faraway Places
Bran Stark – Bran uses his powers to keep an eye on the world.
938 words, complete, 6+
Grey Worm – The Island of Butterflies
Grey Worm – The Unsullied reach Naath and find a new home.
550 words, complete, 6+
Samwell I – The Citadel
Samwell Tarly, Bran Stark, Maester Ebrose – The Citadel isn’t happy about Sam being appointed Grand Maester. King Bran doesn’t care.
499 words, complete, 6+
Jon I – A Life in the True North
Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane – A snippet of daily life north of the Wall.
334 words, complete, 6+
Tyrion I – Sewers
Tyrion Lannister – The rebuilding of King’s Landing progresses and Tyrion has grand ideas.
398 words, complete, 12+
Samwell II ‐ Family
Samwell Tarly/Gilly – Sam and Gilly spend a quiet evening with their family.
392 words, complete, 6+
Arya II – A Visit to White Harbor
Arya Stark – After failing to cross the Sunset Sea, Arya returns to the North for a short while.
411 words, complete, 6+
Gendry I – Visiting the City
Gendry Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Talla Tarly – Gendry visits King’s Landing and meets new people.
565 words, complete, 6+
Jon II – King-Against-His-Will
Jon Snow, Tormund Giantsbane – The wildlings keep treating Jon like their king. He isn’t happy about it, but what can he do?
504 words, complete, 6+
Bronn – The Troubles of Lordship
Bronn – Bronn regrets ever becoming a lord.
310 words, complete, 12+
Brienne II – Duty and Honor
Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne – When daily life as Lady Commander of the Kingsguard becomes too much for Brienne, Pod is there to cheer her up.
454 words, complete, 6+
Gendry II – The Lady of Storm’s End
Gendry Baratheon/Talla Tarly – Gendry gets married to a woman he loves, even if it’s not the woman he once wanted to spend his life with.
257 words, complete, 6+
Bran II – Audience
Bran Stark, Tyrion Lannister – Bran holds and audience. He is surprisingly good at it.
505 words, complete, 6+
Tyrion II – An Unlikely Friendship of Hands
Tyrion Lannister, Davos Seaworth – Tyrion and Ser Davos chat one evening.
492 words, complete, 6+
Sansa III – A Meeting
Sansa Stark & Jon Snow – Sansa and Jon meet at the Wall.
500 words, complete, 6+
Arya III – West of Westeros
Arya Stark – After several failed attempts, Arya finally reaches her goal.
385 words, complete, 6+