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Rodo, 2023

On this page, you’ll find an overview of all my original work. Most of it is in German, so if you can read the language, you might want to click on the little flag in the corner of the navigation. For the rest, check it out:

Nonfiction | Poems


On this page, you’ll find a now-jossed fandom meta that was my attempt at creating a writing system for High Valyrian, which only received one when House of the Dragon came out. Hopefully, there’ll be more eventually.

Check out the page for my non-fiction work.


You’ll find my poems either on their own page or as a PDF available for download. So far there are three, two translated poems and one that I wrote in English. I’m hoping to translate more one day, and maybe I’ll translate my translation of the Japanese poems too.

Check out the page for my poems.